Visitors to ten Brandywine Valley attractions can receive discounted single-rate admission through the Brandywine Treasure Trail promotion that will be offered throughout May 31-September 6, 2010. The program provides a unique opportunity for local neighbors to rediscover the treasures in their own backyard. Out-of-towners can take advantage of a hotel package offered by the Hilton Wilmington/Christiana in conjunction with the program.
Brandywine Treasure Trail Map and a passport good for one-time admission at the following sites:
Brandywine River Museum
Delaware Art Museum
Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts
Delaware Historical Society & Read House
Delaware Museum of Natural History
Hagley Museum and Library
Longwood Gardens
Mt. Cuba Center
Rockwood Museum
Winterthur Museum & Country Estate.
Tickets are $35 for individuals, $75 for a family of 2 adults and up to 3 children.
Tickets can be purchased at all ten locations, and also at the Hilton Wilmington/Christiana, the Greater Wilmington Convention & Visitors Bureau (GWCVB), the Brandywine Conference & Visitors Bureau, and the Chester County Conference & Visitors Bureau. Passports are also available for purchase online at the GWCVB web site, www.visitwilmingtonde.org.
More information at www.brandywinetreasures.org.